What is the meaning behind my website name?
The "Stead" is simple. It's short for--homesteading. Reform on the other hand is what makes this website special.
"Reform" stands for--reformation. When I use the word Reform or Reformation I mean two things. My first meaning and use of the word Reform refers to the 16th century Protestant Reformation.
“The Protestant Reformation of the sixteenth Century...was a spirit-produced revival and reformation of church and culture by the Word of God--the greatest since the days of the Apostles.” --2,000 Years Christian Theology, By Dr. Joseph Morecraft III
Secondly by saying Reform I’m referring to action--to reform or make better. Here’s a great definition of reform from Noah Webster’s 1828 Dictionary:
“To abandon that which is evil or corrupt, and return to a good state; to be amended or corrected.”
So where do we go with this? How does the double meaning of "Reform" affect what you're reading on this site?
The goal and purpose of this website is to build upon the firm foundation of the Reformation's doctrine, while making better every aspect of the homestead. This makes the homestead work together as an intricate, organized, thought-out system.
As we keep our roots in the Reformation’s solid teaching...we reform, revive, and make better our homestead...making it a productive, resourceful, useful, beautiful and Christ honoring location--taking dominion (Genesis 1:28) for the glory of God!
Here's my definition of a reformed holistic homestead.
A Holistic Reformed Homestead:
A piece of land, however small or large, for which the owner takes into account all aspects of the natural and other resources.
He makes every piece work together in the most productive way, for the benefit of the entire system and everything therein.
Land, home, animals, plants and all things, down to the soil microbes—in essence every living thing—are brought under his dominion.
--Taken from my book, The Holistic Homestead: How to Start an Interconnected Homestead
Soli Deo Gloria was one of the five solas (or onlys) of the Reformation. They’re all great, but this one has been called by many the most important sola of the Reformation.
Soli Deo Gloria is latin for--Glory Be To God Alone.
So why did I choose this one? No matter what you're doing on your homestead, everything should be done to the glory of God alone!
~ Julia